Client Based MMORPG and MMO Games Page 66
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Spiral Knights

Spiral Knights Description
The Spiral Knights have awoken on an alien world. Their equipment stores have been raided and their starship, The Skylark, will not recover from the crash. Now they must work together to survive on a journey that will take them to the very core of the world. <...

STAND OUT Description
KILL, BUILD, DRIVE, DO PARKOUR, MAKE FRIENDS, PILOT, EAT. Stand Out is the ultimate fight for your life. You will be parachuted on a wide island and you will have to explore your surroundings to find weapons and equipment to fight for your survival. Use vehicl...
Star Conflict

Star Conflict Description
Star Conflict, a new dynamic MMO action game that puts you at the helm of a space ship to fight in the star fleet’s massive battles! Three thousand years have passed since the first colonists left Earth. Now the galaxy is divided between the militant...
Star Trek Online

Star Trek Online Description
In Star Trek Online, the Star Trek universe appears for the first time on a truly massive scale. In this massively multiplayer online game from Cryptic Studios, players can pioneer their own destiny as Captain of a Federation starship. Or they can become a ...
Star Wars Galaxies

Star Wars Galaxies Description
Join with Star Wars fans across the world and jump into exciting adventures 24 hours a day, seven days a week! You and your friends will travel to legendary Star Wars locations with famous faces from the films. Along the way, you can meet up with others on missions t...