Free to Play (F2P) MMORPG and MMO Games Page 1
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12 Sky 2

12 Sky 2 Description
Twelve Sky 2 is an adrenaline-pumping Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG) based on an oriental fantasy theme of ancient China. Offering a uniquely intense and addictive faction vs. faction based gaming system, Twelve Sky 2 is filled with battle an...
2029 Online

2029 Online Description
2029 Online is a sci-fi based MMORPG. The story of 2029 Online centers around a galactic inter-species discord on an alien planet called Helen Continent. Conflict has become entrenched, as each culture refuses to back down and fights for its own survival and dominati...

4Story Description
4Story is the forth story that you are telling. Past and future, stories even fading into other’s memories. Different stories (quest) are waiting for you. Don’t believe things in front of you. There are breathtaking secrets and adventures in ...
5 Minute MMORPG

5 Minute MMORPG Description
5 Minute MMORPG is a free, fast-paced, action-packed, kind-of-but-not really massively multiplayeronline role-playing game, played in the comfort of your own browser. It’s everything you want from an MMORPG, in just five minutes: Over thir...