Client Based MMORPG and MMO Games Page 39
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Islet Online

Islet Online Description
Islet Online is a sandbox-style MMORPG. It is all about digging and placing bricks to build your own land. And with various materials from wildlife, bricks can be combined to make useful items, too. Whenever you act, your character gets experience....
Jade Dynasty

Jade Dynasty Description
It has always been man’s greatest goal to uncover the secret of immortality. The quest to eternal life has always and will always begin with knowledge. But is there a single, unified truth? Centuries ago, five factions arose teaching with w...
Kal Online

Kal Online Description
Kal Online is a 3D Oriental MMORPG. It features beautiful sceneries and high polygon characters, if you have a powerful computer and like pretty graphics you are going to like this game. The game has standard job trees and advancements. Overall it offers a well round...
Knight Online

Knight Online Description
Heart-Pumping PVP in a fantasy MMORPG. Knights online has you choose a side in the epic conflict between El Morad and the Karus. You decide between a sorcery-wielding Mage, a stoic Priest, bone-crushing warrior, or a shadowy rough. You can fight in bi-weekly wars ...