MMO Strategy Games Page 1
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Total War: ARENA

Total War: ARENA Description
Total War: ARENA is a free-to-play, team-based strategy game where players step into the boots of legendary heroes from the past to forge their legacy through combat. Built on years of Creative Assembly’s experience with the critically acclaimed Total War seri...
The Elder Scrolls: Legends

The Elder Scrolls: Legends Description
Welcome to The Elder Scrolls: Legends, a competitive strategy card game set in the Elder Scrolls universe. From building your deck to taking on foes in one of the game’s three exciting modes, every decision you make will require strategy and careful planning. ...
Hex: Shards of Fate

Hex: Shards of Fate Description
HEX combines the amazing community and roleplaying aspects of a Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMO) with the compelling collectible and strategic gameplay of a Trading Card Game (TCG) to create an entirely new category of a game, the MMO/TCG. ...
Dungeon Defenders II

Dungeon Defenders II Description
The Old Ones’ armies have invaded and it’s up to your and your friends to push them back! Create a team of heroes to defend the Eternia Crystals. Then jump into the action yourself to finish them off! Level up, collect loot, and more on your quest to de...