Client Based MMORPG and MMO Games Page 25
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Red Stone
Red Stone Description
Red Stone is a fascinating game with a very classic feel to it. The game is focused on one thing: fun! It is filled with classic RPG elements, which makes it very accessible to new players. Everything feels familiar, right from the start. There are some different fea...
Rappelz Description
Rappelz is a free-to-play MMORPG played around the world by thousands and thousands of players. Creating an avatar in Rappelz is easy and will set you up in a devastated world filled with magic and chaos in a heroic fantasy environment. Get your battle gear...
Rakion Description
RAKION IS ON-LINE 'STRATEGY ACTION GAME' The game focuses on intense sword on sword battles with RPG style characters and settings, along with the strategic battle plans to provide the ultimate battle experience. LIKE ANY GOOD CONSOLE GAMES, RAKION D...
RAID: World War II
RAID: World War II Description
RAID: World War II is an action-packed four player cooperative shooter set during a time when the Nazi war machine was still going strong. During the worldwide fight against evil, four prisoners of war are freed from a gestapo jail to take down Hitler and his Third R...