All MMORPG and MMO Games Page 63
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Nether Description
Nether is a first-person, survival-shooter that introduces players to a desolated, sprawling urban cityscape (based loosely on Chicago). Nether features core survival elements, requiring players to scavenge for resources in order to survive as well as crafting. More ...

Neverwinter Description
One hundred years have passed since the Spellplague forever changed the magical and mysterious lands of Faerûn. Mighty empires fell and great cities toppled, leaving only monster-haunted ruins and survivors struggling to rebuild. The city of Neverwinter, the Jew...
New Frontier

New Frontier Description
New Frontier is a pvp free-to-play online survival game set in an alternate reality wild west world. Work with your friends, Build your base, Fight hellish monsters and forge alliances with other players to conquer the land. Go West and Prosper! In the New ...
Nexus TK

Nexus TK Description
Discover the hidden beauty of The Kingdom of the Winds. Enter a virtual world. Begin by learning how to survive; you may end by becoming a deity. Do arcane mysteries entice you? Or poetic stories? What of donning stunning platemail and hefting up the sword ...